Support Our Efforts

Below is an email template to voice your support:

Steve Monowitz 
c/o Camille Leung 

Re: Moehring / Trieselmann Exempt Residential Fire Rebuild
96 Terrace Avenue Moss Beach, San Mateo County CA
APN 037-211-010 Project No. - PLN 2023-00272

Dear County of San Mateo,

I live on the coastside in San Mateo County and SUPPORT the efforts of Erich Trieselmann and Janet Moehring Trieselmann to reconstruct the modest house at 96 Terrace that burned to the ground in 2018.

This seemingly easy rebuild has now gone on for years in County review and blighted our neighborhood and the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve for years too long. In fact, the process has gone on so long that the Trieselmanns have not only had one baby girl but are about to have a second child! Let’s help this family, and our neighborhood, figure a way to quickly move on and get this house rebuilt.

Based on our review of the record, the Trieselmanns have done all that is possible to fulfill the requirements of the County Code and state law for exempted residential fire destroyed rebuilds and deserve a single family house for their growing family. The County should honor the spirit and letter of the code and permit this project to proceed so it can enhance and restore our neighborhood and beach area.

Thank you for your consideration.